To quote Jesús Cripto of CCN:
Anyways, it’s likely you haven’t heard of Fox’s new show Almost Human, their latest foray into the science fiction genre. Almost Human is set in the year 2048 and follows the adventures of Detective John Kennex (actor Karl Urban recently of Star Trek fame). In a background story similar to iRobot, Kennex previously suffered from a traumatic experience with robot-kind that left him temporarily without a leg: Kennex is now a cyborg that hates robot-kind, oh the irony.
Kennex is recalled to the force after recovering and assigned to work with a DRN android, designed to be as close to human as possible, known as Dorian (actor Michael Ealy). While working a case, the two of them are investigating a dead body when voila, they come across a nondescript silver stick that Detective Kennex immediately identifies as Bitcoin. Android Dorian then uses his finger to presumably hack into the device and tells Kennex that there are 4,999 units of Bitcoin.The show, ‘Almost Human’, features lots of little sci-fi gadgets and references for all the fans out there. Like all good sci-fi, the actual technological and scientific explanation for things are few and far between. Additionally, mentions of Bitcoin are made without even properly stating what unit of Bitcoin a ‘bit’ is referring to. There has been clear effort on the part of writers and their editors to keep undue predictions about Bitcoin from making their way onto the screen. Regardless, Bitcoiners everywhere are able to read between the lines and see that Bitcoin is extremely prevalent in the future portrayed by ‘Almost Human’.
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